The Worship Workshop Learning Community


1. JOIN the Worship Workshop Learning Community.

2. INVITE your team members to join you.

3. ENGAGE in training with your team.

Here's How To JOIN

Read the Community Rules below, then click the Request to Join button.

Community Rules:

ONE: Be Awesome To Each Other. ALWAYS.

We are about building up the Church and Christ’s Kingdom. Please keep conversation filled with grace. Disagreements are acceptable. Tearing down is not. If you're a jerk or tool, you'll be removed.

Also, respect differences! We all come from different churches, traditions, and backgrounds. Please respect differing beliefs & opinions.

TWO: No Self-Promotion or Marketing. EVER.

Please do not post about or promote your music, blog, church, resources, ministry, etc. Solicitations and self-promotion posts will be deleted immediately without warning.

THREE: Be An "Owner" In This Community.

You’re part of a community. Help uphold our standards. Gracefully encourage those who might not be following the community standards. Report people/posts to moderator or admin if necessary.

FOUR: Stay on Topic.

The primary focus of this group is to provide training, encouragement and community to help worship teams grow musically, relationally, and spiritually. This leaves open a wide range of topics. Posts that are too far off our primary focus may be deleted.

FIVE: Don’t Argue.

This group is NOT for arguing theology, doctrine, politics, culture, etc. You may discuss worship related theology and doctrine. But this is not the place for debating things like Calvinism and Arminianism. There are other groups geared to talk about that stuff.

SIX: Invite to This Group, But DON'T Add People

Admins and moderators will not approve people who have been added to this group by other members. While we LOVE that you want to invite and share this group, we don’t want to add them without their consent.

Please invite people via sharing this url:

SEVEN: Use Hashtags. ALWAYS.

When starting a post, use Hashtags to help foster interaction and make finding posts easier.

For asking a question.

Give a shout for a win that your team experienced, and even give a shout out to one of your team members.

You want to express gratitude to your leader or team member, or to someone else in this community that has brought value to you.

This is our “suggestion box” hashtag. We like dreams more than suggestions. For example, #WHATIF there were local meetups regionally with leaders or teams from this group?

When we’re posting about instrument or role-specific topics and trainings, we'll use these hashtags:
#TECH (general tech)
#BAND (general band stuff)
#LEADING (worship leading)
#LEADERSHIP (ministry or team leadership)

Feel free to use these if you would like to start a discussion about a specific topic.

And if all these hashtags are freaking you out, don’t worry, we’ll remind you. 🙂

INVITE Your Team Members

  1. Copy this link:
  2. Paste it in an email, FB message, PCO message, FB Post, etc.
  3. Copy and paste the following message. Feel free to change it to fit your voice.

Hey gang,

I’ve found a resource that can help us level-up our worship team musically, spiritually, and relationally.

I’d love to have you join the Worship Workshop Learning Community. Each month, they post new training that I think we can benefit from.

Use the link I provided. It's a Facebook group, so you'll need to answer a few short questions. They know you’re not a scammer or a creeper. 🙂

Looking forward to learning together!

ENGAGE In Training

The best way to engage is to stay informed. If you're the leader of your worship ministry, sign up for the Worship Workshop Learning Community updates.

We'll email you about new trainings, upcoming topics and posts, and anything else you need to know.

Worship Workshop Learning Community Update

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© 2023 Worship Workshop | Matt Miller