Lead Worshiper 201 will help your team members become “worship leaders”—even if they’re a background vocalist or instrumentalist. This course will help them...
- Learn the different Biblical expressions of worship and why they matter.
- Model worship & encourage the congregation to participate.
- Understand the Biblical role they play.
- Serve with the right heart.
- Learn how to engage the congregation.
- Be expressive without making it a performance.
The Problem...
Too many platform team members are either focused on...
- Just making music and not worshiping.
- Or, having their own private worship time on the platform.
That can result in any of these issues...
Heads are buried in their music stands...
No one’s engaging the congregation...
The music might sound OK. But there’s little energy, because there’s no expression.
The deeper issue is this...
Team members don’t understand what it means to be a "lead worshiper."
Lead Worshiper 201...
...will help you teach your team members their "dual role" purpose: to worship God AND serve the congregation.
This is for you if...

Invest in the Lead Worshiper 201 Course Today!
Your Team Will Learn...
Leading musical worship on a stage without it becoming a performance is a tough tension to manage. This training will help your team members understand the difference.
Your investment in Lead Worshiper 201 will not only help you transform your team, but it will also help you create more engagement with your congregation.
What You Get With This Course
On-Demand Training Videos
This course is done-for-you training. Five on-demand videos will help your team journey towards a deeper understanding of what it means to be lead worshipers.
Leader Discussion Guide
For information to become transformation, there needs to be CONVERSATION. The Leader's Guide has questions to help your team process and discuss the training.
Team Member Pages
These printable or digital handouts will help your team engaged during the training AND be easy to reference and review long after the training is completed.
Training Graphics
Why do you want the slide deck? There are key principles in this course that you'll want to revisit with your team over and over. You can use the slide graphics to easily teach and remind your team.
Implementation Guide
Buying a training course is easy. Actually using that course to transform your team is TOUGH. That's why we've included implementation tips and strategies for leaders.
But for around the cost of a quality mic cable, you can own this on-demand course to show your team anytime you want. And, it's yours forever, so you can use it to train new team members, too.

And you can get this course for only $49.
Here’s how to invest in the Lead Worshiper 201 Course:

Want to know what's inside?
This short lesson gets your team ready for the journey.
Why Expression Matters
This lesson will help your team understand why they need to be expressive and engaging.
Biblical Expressions of Worship
In this lesson, your team will the different expressions of worship that we see in scripture, and when and how to use those expressions.
Practical Training, Part 1
This lesson gets super practical about our eyes and facial expressions. We talk in-depth about how our eyes can help engage and encourage worship.Practical Training, Part 2
In this lesson, we go in-depth with physical movement on the platform and how to use our whole bodies to lead and engage.